Naming Conventions in modern Software Development

Is about establishing and following a particular way of naming objects and/or processes across an organization and/or on software projects. From file/folder names to tables, variables, classes and so on.

Amongst many of the benefits, this ensures consistency across an organization and makes code so much more readable and “familiar”, if that makes sense.

Road signs, for example, they are usually written in a given font, have a particular shape / type and standard coloring. Imagine this instead

STAWP sign

To continue, however, here are few (standard) naming conventions in Software Development that are usually used by teams:








There are of course other variations and types and can be easily found online, for the curious reader here.

While the origin of these names is a good subject for a coffee break discussion and choosing one is certainly a good debate topic, their purpose and the “help” they provide to the success of a project is surely undebatable.

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